The Larissa VIII Kindergarten an virtuous example for the whole Europe
The VIII Kindergarten of Larissa, Thessaly, Greece, member of Iter Vitis, carried out a pilot project with children aged 3 to 5 years. Over a period of six months and through various activities, they explored the tradition of winemaking. From archaeology to art, digital applications to music and dance, the children discovered the magic of winemaking as part of their local tradition. They also met with producers, visited wineries, and even created their own wine. The children prepared handicraft outputs, studied in ancient Greek, and participated in a version of the ancient Symposium, dressed as ancient Gods of Olympus. This exciting journey was made possible thanks to the competence of the teachers and the foresight of the director.
The Larissa project serves as a pilot for other European schools, and the first exchange is scheduled to take place with Tuscany next June. It is our civic duty to transmit to the younger generations, starting from their early years in school, the importance of agriculture and viticulture as part of the European legacy and identity. Using art, creativity, and music, the Iter Vitis project in Larissa demonstrated not only to the children but also to their families how crucial it is to use imagination to raise awareness about their roots, civil sense, and respect for the environment.