The aim of this internal regulation is specifying the statutes of the European association: “Iter Vitis, les Chemins de la Vigne”. This regulation aims to incorporate the diversity of members that the association involves in its functioning and in the composition of its management bodies.
Title I : Members
Art. 1 – Composition
The association “Iter Vitis, les Chemins de la Vigne” is composed of the following members:– founders members– ordinary– extraordinary members– honorary members
Art. 2 – Membership fee
The members of the association must pay a membership fee set by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Steering Committee. This fee can be either annual or multi-year. Upon proposal of the Steering Committee, the General Assembly can exempt one or more categories of members of the membership fee. Each sum paid to the association is definitive. In the event of discharge, exclusion or disappearance of a member during the year, no sum will be refunded.
Art. 3 – Admission of new members
The association “Iter Vitis, les Chemins de la Vigne” can admit new members at any time. The admission to the association “Iter Vitis, les Chemins de la Vigne” is free for all natural and moral persons who wish to participate in the realisation of its object, according to the procedures expected in the statute. Only after being approved by the Steering Committee,which determines the quality of the member (founder, ordinary, extraordinary, honorary), it will be considered definitive.
Title II: Functioning of the Association
Art. 4 – The Steering Committee
The members of the Steering Committee are elected by the General Assembly. The Steering Committee is composed of a representative of each founding member (in compliance with the obligations of the association), and of members elected by the General Assembly and in compliance with the obligations of the association.In order to preserve the multi-national character of the association, it could not include more than two representatives of the same country. In the event that more than two representatives of the same country could become members of the Steering Committee, firstly the members of the Association coming from that country and present or represented at the General Assembly will have the chance to choose those who will be candidates for the General Assembly.In addition to the functions established by the Statute of the Association, the Steering Committee annually approves the provisional budget and the result account of the Association before their presentation at the General Assembly.The Steering Committee chooses a President and two Vice-Presidents among its members.It meets at least three times a year. The minutes of the decisions is established after each meeting. This minutes is submitted to the approval of the following Steering Committee and kept in a register that can be consulted during the meetings of the Steering Committee and in the Association.
Art. 5 – The Technical Scientific Committee
The Technical Scientific Committee consists of at least 7 members appointed by the Steering Committee. It can not exceed 21 members. They are members of the Technical Scientific Committee: a representative appointed by the Orientation Committee for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes.The chairman of the meetings of the Technical Scientific Committee is the President of the Association or, in his absence, the Director, the General Secretary or a member of the Technical ScientificCommittee appointed by the President.The chairman of the meetings of the Technical Scientific Committee is the President of the Association or, in his absence, the Director, the General Secretary or a member of the Technical ScientificCommittee appointed by the President.
Art. 6 – The General Assembly
In accordance with the Statute of the Association, the General Assembly meets at least once a year in ordinary session upon convocation of the President or the Vice-President appointed by the Steering Committee.Only members in good standing with the obligations of the association are authorised to participate in the decisions.In case of need, the General Assembly can be convened in extraordinary meeting in the cases provided for by the Statute and according to the same procedures as for an ordinary meeting.
Art. 7 – Convocation to meetings
The meetings of the various bodies that compose the association are convened by the President according to the forms provided for in the Statute and at least 30 days before the scheduled date.In caso d’urgenza debitamente giustificata (approvata da almeno due altri membri del Comitato Esecutivo), questo termine può essere ridotto a 15 giorni a patto che il luogo della riunione presenti i caratteri di accessibilità facilitata per i soci dell’associazione (presenza di aeroporto/i con voli giornalieri per almeno 5 capitali europee raggiungibile in meno di un ora di macchina dal luogo della riunione)L’ordine del giorno dovrà essere comunicato almeno 15 giorni prima della data della riunione.I documenti che richiedono un’approvazione da parte della struttura convocata dovranno pervenire alle persone coinvolte almeno 8 giorni prima della riunione. Dovranno essere in lingua ufficiale dell’associazione e in almeno due altre lingue ufficiali del Consiglio d’Europa.I soci che non potranno essere presenti alle riunioni hanno la possibilità di dare una procura ad un’altro socio che partecipa alla riunione tranne il Direttore e il Segretario Generale.
Title III : Financial Regulations
Art. 8 – Budget Control
The President and the Director supervise the respect of the great financial balance of the association, verifying the expenses, ensuring a flow of sufficient internal and external income.They handle or delegate the following tasks:– the control of bank charges and accounts;– preparation and control of the budget;– reimbursement of expenses and payment of suppliers;– the transparency of financial functioning with the organs of the association (Executive Committee, General Assembly);– the requests for loans;– accounting development.A budget report will be presented at each meeting of the Executive Committee.
Art. 9 – Planning of expenses
Upon agreement of the President, the Director can freely program all the necessary expenses for the realisation of the statutory object on behalf of the association, within the budget approved each year by the Steering Committee and presented to the General Assembly. Each operation must be attested by a signed document. The Director must regularly report it during the meetings of the Steering Committee.
Art. 10 – Procedure of reimbursement of expenses
The expenses justified by the real activity of the volunteers, duly appointed by the association, can be reimbursed upon presentation of the supporting documents. The president or the Steering Committee are the only ones authorised to hire volunteers. All expenses must be recorded in order to clearly identify the volunteer, his job and the nature of the involved expenses. Reimbursement of expenses will be made upon the agreement of the Steering Committee.
Art. 11 – Financial activities
The association can carry out all the financial activities and operations, movable and real estate transactions indicated in the Statute.Each new activity will be presented to the Steering Committee, which have to approve it before its beginning.
Title IV: Various regulations
Art. 12 – Communication activities
In respect of the association’s brand, the Director couldstart the realisation of every necessary document for the realisation of the statutory object. Before each implementation, the documents must have been submitted to the President and to at least two other members of the Steering Committee from two different countries. In case of use of another language instead of the so-called “official” language, the documents must have been endorsed by a member of the Steering Committee who speaks the language used before their realisation.Every use of the association’s brand is protected and regulated. The Director and the General Secretary are authorised to consent its use after a written request from the members, bodies and organisations that request it.
Art. 13 – Opening of delegations
It is possible to set up delegations, offices or secondary antennas of the association in every European country. The recognition of these delegations will be proposed by the Steering Committee and must first be accepted with a favourable vote of the members gathered in the General Assembly.
Art. 14 – Association’s adhesion to organisms
The association can join, promote or take partnerships within organisms in harmony with its own statutory objectives. The recognition of this commitment must first be accepted with a favourable vote of the members gathered in the General Assembly. The representative of the association within these bodies will be proposed by the President and must be accepted by a favourable vote of the Steering Committee.
Art. 15 – Changes of the internal regulations
The regulations of “Iter Vitis, les Chemins de la Vigne” Association is established by the Steering Committee. Hereafter, it must be approved by the following General Assembly. Waiting for this approval, it is opposable. It can be changed upon initiative of the Steering Committee and according to the same procedures.